Famous Quotes and Sayings about Love. Confucius Says is a place to submit famous quotes and popular sayings about love, health, knowledge, luck, wisdom and more!
“Love is an inevitable feeling that gives us a meaningful life.”
— Neziram Odrajaf Philippines
“Be careful not to fall in love with fantasy you imagined instead of what’s hstanding before you. The wise quickly dispense gossip, and the truth leads it to perish.”
— R.J. Intindola (Gandolfo) 1986
“When in love, a bridge is constructed between two souls. Each year the bridge evolves and grows stronger and at a point in the future appears indestructible, when betrayal appears in the form of dynamite, the bridge becomes gravely damaged. And the betrayer and betrayed must determine if it can ever be reconstructed. Regrettably, the scars and cracks remain, some visible, and others hidden beneath the water. A heart can be broken numerous times and completely repaired by one soul.”
— Gandolfo RJ Intindola 1973
“When you capture a woman’s soul prior to a sexual encounter, consider yourself extremely fortunate.”
— R.J. Intindola -(Gandolfo)---1980
“Some might argue that love is in the air, not the skin. I say love is in the heart, not the air. The air is unpredictable, without a sense of direction, and goes on and on in births and deaths. But the heart knows that it only has one life to live!”
— Mamerto Paricio 1 South Korea
“Every relationship is perfect. It brings out a part of yourself that you chosen to ignore. That person may not be the problem. It may just be your perception of yourself.”
— J Clay Houston
“ The most successful relationships consist of compromises regarding expectations; all expectations are not equal, and therefore in each case one must judge the level of their individual desires. Those who yearned for years for love after betrayal, are afraid and cautious when they find it. Everyone has wins and losses within the realm of love. However, sometimes a win becomes a loss, and most of the time, a loss becomes a win. But neither are ever absolute. ”Always be mindful, one has complete authority over psyche, words, and actions. Deliberative judgment of these three things, determine your station in life.” ”I gave myself to her, but she sold me to fulfill her appetite for adventurous lust.”
What I have learned is not to pay much attention to those that say, “Money will not make you happy.” To them, I answer, it’s certainly a good place to start. And not having it can make you sad.
Love is often described as a fruit you can just reach out with your hand and pluck. However, one should beware, that although glowing in color, the fruit could be poisonous, tainted, or rotten. ”If you have loved someone and then fell out of love with them, it is possible to fall back in love with them; but only if they were not the reason you fell out of love with them.” ”Facts in Prose When someone we love no longer desires us. We become emotionally damaged. Were consumed with torment every day. Within long-term relationships the lack of desire is commonplace. Women lose desire for their partner sooner than men. When your partner avoids or rejects kissing, their love has passed. Collect your pieces and move on.” I must admit that I am always perplexed when reading quotes and other writings that true love should be unconditional. Well, how about betrayal? Shouldn’t that be a condition? It is for me and should be for you. ”The most precious possessions in life cannot be touched by human hands; foremost, is the fulfillment of inner peace.” ”Hanging on to the anguish, hurt, and pain of the past negates one’s movement into the future. Accept the torment you suffered as a lesson, then advance.”
”The most significant adversary of relationships and love is life which is wrought with conflicts. “ ”If you do not challenge yourself at every opportunity, then you will never be prepared when others do. Although rarely touted, preparation is the most significant criterion to obtain success.” ”You can be in love and not be in a relationship.””
— RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 1997 port st lucie
““Trust and Affectionate, preserves relationships”
— Jonah Takon Nigeria
“Even a bad person can ultimately be respected for his longevity. One has to write a thousand poems to be recognized but for one. Religion is the spiritual intervention in our affairs to keep our society healthy just as medicine is the biological intervention in cellular affairs to keep our bodies healthy.”
— Boghos L. Artinian MD Beirut
“The secret of attraction is to love yourself.
— Arif Naseem Pakistan
“Togetherness is attractive; For it is, the attribute of Love, peace, and unity.
— Jonah Takon Nigeria
“The secret of attraction is to love yourself.
— Arif Naseem Pakistan
“No matter the task at hand. No matter the effort. What matters most is the spirit you bring to the moment and your willingness to inspire others along the way.”
— Eric K. Houle Cedar City, Utah
“Following your heart is like mastering an art.”
— Rashi Pajwani Dahanu, Maaharashtra
“Love is not built on perfection, rather, built to perfection.”
— Dessy Kobby Dome, Accra-Ghana
“Always respect the ones who care for you before they decide to leave your life. The loss is yours, not theirs. The purpose of life is to make mistakes to discover who you are.”
— Adına Shahzad New York USA
“Even in these times of uncertainty, God still sends us signs that we are loved. Look at the way light reflects off of water, and even in this small, ordinary thing, you’ll see Him smiling.”
— unknown
“They say that you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. I think that this self-love begins in a love of God.”
— unknown
“When I think about God, I think of all the ways my life has changed and grown with every step of my Christian journey. I am infinitely grateful for the infinite nature of His love.”
— unknown
“There are so many people in the world who every day feel that they do not deserve to be loved. I just think that is so unfortunate and so saddening. I wish I could give the entire world a hug and say that they are loved.”
— unknown
“The noblest attribute of man is the love for all living creatures.”
— unknown
“A part of one’s soul remains asleep until one has loved an animal.”
— unknown
“Animals are better off than a lot of humans, if having soul means being able to feel gratitude, loyalty and love.”
— unknown
“The heart of a person can be judged through the way he treats animals.”
— unknown
“It should not be anyone’s job to explain to anyone else why they should care about other people.”
— unknown
“The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?”
— Jack Kornfield (Submitted by: JJ, USA)
“The superior man examines his heart, that there may be nothing wrong there, and that he may have no cause for dissatisfaction with himself. That wherein the superior man cannot be equaled is simply this — his work which other men cannot see.”
— Confucius
“If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?”
— Confucius
“Can there be a love which does not make demands on its object?”
— Confucius
“Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness.”
— Confucius
Confucius Says
Confucius Says is a place to submit famous quotes and popular sayings about health, knowledge, luck, love, wisdom and more!